Auto Insurance Claims: Hit by drunk driver, value of my car, brand new car

I live in CO.  I was hit by a drunk driver on the interstate in my brand new car that had only 450 miles on it and I owned it for less than two weeks.  The car was not totaled. The last I heard from the repair shop the cost was running about $9000.  Do I have any chance of getting dimished value of my car from the insurance company?  The driver was only carrying the state limit of $15,000.  Plus he hit another car before slamming into me.  I beleive the car rental bill is probably close to $1000 already.
Thanks :)

Hi Jeanelle,

Yes, you are absolutely entitled to be compensated for the diminished value of your car. However you must act soon in order to protect yourself.

You should contact Collision Claim Associates, Inc. their website is and their toll free number is 1-866-438-6938.  They can provide detailed instruction & appraisal to help you through this process.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh