Auto Insurance Claims: Right Coverage?, party liability coverage, third party liability

We are planning to take a road trip during Easter from North Carolina to Ontario, Canada. We do not own a vehicle, thus we will be renting a car for our trip from Budget? Through our credit card, we have Auto Rental Collision/Loss Damage Insurance. We are thinking of buy third-party liability coverage? How much third-party liability should be buy and from whom (Budget or auto insurance company).  For a trip like this, should we be aware of any other insurance coverage.

Hi David-

I would seek out a company that specializes in liability insurance for coverage for US drivers going to Canada.  I'll be willing to bet you can find some if you search it on the internet.  Plan B would be to do a couple of hours of phone calls to Budget corp headquarters  and research to find out the limits and the coverage that Budget offers especially in Canada.  Budget may be more expensive since most people won't take the time to compare.  
You sound like a very smart man. Congratulations on thinking ahead so you don't have to write me later with your problem.

Sheldon Maughan
Sacramento, Ca