Auto Insurance Claims: Car Theft- estimator standards, auto body shop, personal injury attorney

I need to know the standards for evaluating a stolen vehicle for damage. There must be a set of standards/procedures the estimator gives the mechanic to evaluate. I've searched everywhere online, and I can't find guidelines estimators are required to follow. Thanks.

Hi Allison,

Dr. Settlement is a personal injury attorney, so guess what---I have no idea how to answer this question.  We do not deal much in property damage issues.

My experience tells me that there should be no difference in evaluating a stolen car for damage than any other vehicle that comes in for an estimate.  Most auto body shop owners are pretty good at finding each and every little thing that they can repair, so I would not expect them to miss anything, if that is your concern.

Here is a thought.  In our auto insurance claims section we have two former insurance adjusters.  I will bet that if there is a different standard, they would know about it.  Thus give one of them a shout.

Best wishes,

Dr. Settlement, J.D. (Juris Doctor)