Auto Insurance Claims: car accident, driver 3, car accident

i was in a three car accident.  i was stopped at a light and a car rearended me.  
i then hit the car in front of me.  the police gave me a ticket for hitting the car
in front of me.  am i responsible or can i sue the person who hit me.  also, is
that something that my insurance company can help me with?

Hi Denise,
Based on your description of the accident, it appears that car #1 is saying  that you hit him first before you were hit by car #3.  On this basis, you (and your insurance)  will be responsible for the damages and injuries to car #1.
Car #3 should have been cited also because every state has a law that every driver must operate their vehicle in a manner to be able to bring it under control, do matter what happens to cars in front of them.  You should have the right to collect your damages to the rear of your car from driver #3 and your insurance should assist you.
I trust this is of help.
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