Auto Insurance Claims: Auto Accident Rescinding Settlement, acording, auto accident

Hello Richard,
How are you today? I have retained a lawyer to rescind a settlement I signed with my auto ins. company.Have you had any experience with this type of Litigation ? It seems very hard to find any case's that I can look over for information. Win or lose how long would Litigation take for this case.I would appreciate any info you may have.
Thank you,

Hi Bob,

I am not an attorney. Since you are represented by counsel, you shoud direct this question to your attorney.

It is my understanding that if you signed a release form and received payment acording to the terms of the release form, there is nothing that can be done. The only exception that I know of is that is there were circumstances that you were not aware of and the insurance company was aware of and they took advantage of you, then you may have a chance.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh