Auto Insurance Claims: Motorcycle Accident?, kia spectra, delivering pizza

I was recently in a small motorcycle accident where I was making a right turn at an intersection and I lost control of my bike my handle bars apparently dented up an 03 Kia Spectra but my bike didn't have a scratch on it I stopped and I talked to the lady which we did not fill out a police report or have an officer present no witnesses except for my buddy that was riding his own bike with me now I just got my motorcycle permit that same day no motorcycle insurance we exchanged info like my full name address telephone number and she has my plate. She called me today which is 4 days after the accident and she said the estimated damages is $1477.94 now what is the worst that can happen to me if I blow this off and let here try to take this to court. Because honestly I just bought this bike and have no money to pay for the damages. And does she really have a case if she has no witnesses and no police report and as far as I know hasn't even told her insurance company? Oh and I'm in Washington State if that makes any difference. Thank You.

Hi Ramone,

The damage to the lady's car was caused as a result of your negligence.  Therefore you owe her for the cost to repair the damage. If the lady files the claim on her insurance policy, her insurance company will then file suit against you.  When they win a judgement against you, you will then have an opportunity to make payment arrangements with the insurance company.  The jusdgement will usually last for 10 years and can be renewed for another 10 years. The judgement is filed with your county and would keep you from buying or selling any property until the judgement was satisfied. In addition, a judgement would also show up on your credit report for 7 years potentially keeping you from obtaining credit.

This is a relatively small amount of money. You could get a part time job delivering pizza and have it paid off in 4 to 6 weeks. That would be a whole lot better than 10 years of bad credit.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh