Auto Air Conditioning & Heater Repair: auto ac, wide open space, protective eyewear

charged ac on 95 toyota truck suction was good but the high side was getting cold instead of the low.what might the problem be

If you mean the high before and around the condenser then a blockage is likely, possibly around the drier caused by loose desiccant, or in the condenser itself.
Your vehicle is of an age when the compressor could break down, or if has been replaced previously without flushing the entire system.This will push debris toward the condenser.
The reason your low side is warm is there is no flow past the frozen point.
In other words the compressor is trying very hard to get what is needs but the low side side will be in a vacuum in spite of what your gauges are telling you. This is bad news for the compressor and the problem needs sorting.
Find the coldest point, the blockage is likely to be just ahead of it. Discharge the system to waste using an approved recovery machine, letting it go is illegal and won't release the trapped gas so when you open the closest union it will spray everywhere.

Decide what the problem is . detach the faulty component and try to clear it using an airline in a wide open space. You may like to take the precaution of wearing protective eyewear, as debris shoots out like a bullet.

Grey mulch or shards of metal are bits of compressor. If it is the compressor then the same is likely to happen again.
If you need help with the proper procedure for compressor replacement, mail back

Hope this helps