Auto Air Conditioning & Heater Repair: 1992 oldsmobile royale a/c, haynes manual, compressor clutch

QUESTION: have an 1992 oldsmobile clutch will not engaged,have 12 volts to low pressure switch,and to high pressure but no 12 volts to clutch,what else can i check? located relays but they are not labeled can you help with that?

ANSWER: On the 1992 88 Royale the clutch gets its power from a 15A fuse in the underhood relay/fuse box. According to my literature, it should be fuse #6. This is the first thing that I would check. If this is blown, from there I would move to your compressor clutch relay. It does not tell me which one this is but... I do have the wire colors if that will help you identify it. Your relay has wires of the following colors... It will have 2 pink wires with black stripes, 1 dark green wire with black stripe, and 1 dark green wire.

If yor fuse is bad, replace it. If it is good... locate this relay and check the coil contacts for continuity. If you do not read resistance across where your coil contacts are.... replace it.

If your fuse is good, and your relay prove to be good, from there the wiring gets rather in depth. You have what they call an HVAC programmer in your vehicle that acts as the brain for your air conditioning. It has certain requirements that must be met before it will send the signal that allows your relay to find its ground and turn your compressor on. If it is not one of the above two faults, then I recommend that you take it to a reputable shop to have it diagnosed.

Thank you for your question. If I can do anything further now or in the future, do not hesitate to ask. If you found this response helpful, please remember to rate this answer. Thank you again and good luck in everything.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi David.With all of your help I've been able to locate ac relay,found compressor good and found that 12 volts are not at relay coil to energize.I am using Haynes manual,p.12-41 to study ac circuit.I found where voltage is at relay plug.Schematic and diagram on relay housing show that contacts 30 and 87a have to close to engage compressor.Installed jumper across contacts and now have cold air,yeah!Of course comp is on whenever key is on, but a toggle switch will take care of that temporarily.You talked about a HVAC programmer,I really want to see this repair to the end,could you please help me with more in depth schematics/wiring diagrams and any other suggestions that you have?So far you've been right on the money!Thanks again,Gregg.

Glad I could be of a little help up to this point anyways. But I do have to say that I do not recommend leaving that relay jumped for normal use. Something is causing it your clutch not to engage normally, and it may be for a good reason. There are several components which may do this in an attempt to protect your compressor from damage.
With that said... I will be happy to send you any wiring diagrams I have through my online service. But it may very well be the same as what you are looking at in your haymes manual. All I need is an email address to send it to, just make sure that when you do a follow-up to this question with it that you mark it as private, so that the rest of the world doesn't get their hands on it.
I wil also continue to look through it as I get time between here and work, and am more than willing to answer any questions you might have reading it.
Thank you for the question, I hope I was of some assistance. If I can do anything further during this process, or in the future, please do not hesitate to ask. If you found this response to be of some assistance, please remember to rate this answer. Thanks again and good luck in everything.