Auto body repair & detailing: Door handle repair, plastic casing, canada web site

Dave, I recently attempted to open the front passenger door of my 2003 Toyota Sienna. The door was locked, so when I pulled the handle, the plastic casing(?) cracked and pulled away from the door. I'm not sure how to fix it or what the part is even called if I were to attempt to repair it myself. Any tips you can give me are appreciated.

Hi Ed!....The part that you need, is simply called an outer door handle assembly....RHS ( Right Hand Side ) in your case....And it will come with the plastic casing as well....I checked out the Cross Canada web site for you, and found out that the part number for your application, is TO1311126....The description is for a RHS front, smooth, black, plastic assembly....Canadian price is $42.50....As I have mentioned before in past questions, I am not sure if the U.S. has any similar type of web sites, but I hope at least someone will have a cross reference for this part number....To install this, you will need to take the interior door trim panel off, remove the plastic watershield covering the door shell opening, and roll the window up....After this is done, you should be able to see, and have reasonable access to the door handle assembly....Most door handles on vehicles today, are usually bolted into place by either 2 or 3 bolts, and the bolt head size will be either 8 or 10 mm....Just as a note, in some cases, you might need to remove the door glass to gain full access to all of these bolts....Unclip the linkage rods as necessary, and you can then re-install the new door handle in the reverse order of dis-assembly....If you have any other question, please drop me another line....Thanks....Dave