Auto body repair & detailing: Paint on car, electrostatic paint, outer sphere

Sir I am a garage owner and regularly I am getting jobs of painting the automobiles. Once I saw in Discovery channel that car manufacturers dip the whole body of the car in negatively charged chemical and then they spray the paint on it which is positively charged.

My question is how can I apply this method in my garage which is relatively small. How can I charge the outer sphere of the automobile as negative. And how to charge the paint as positive so as to form a strong bond between the sphere and the paint.


ANSWER: Hi Vishal,

What you are referring to is known as Electrostatic painting. This is not typically used in the automotive refinishing industry. The 5 major paint companies all make refinish material that does not need this type of application method. The bond is achieved by applying various primers and/or sanding with sandpaper.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you sir for answering the question.

Please let me know something about Electrostatic painting. How it is done, method, or any internet link from which I can get information regarding this way of painting.

Thanks again.


Hi Vishal,

Check out the following links: