Auto body repair & detailing: Car Paint Color, ford ranger truck, paint store

A few years ago (I can't remember exactly what year) Ford came out with a beautiful and classy shade of dark (or royal) purple.  I saw a new Mustang and a Ford Ranger truck painted that color.  I have not been able to find out what its exact name is or its code but would like to have my current auto painted that color.  I have gone to Ford and they look at me like I'm crazy or something.  Do you have any ideas?

Hi Candy,

In 1996 Ford had a color called Ultra Violet Poly. The manufacturer's code was GN. You should be able to go to a paint store and see a chip of the color to verify if it's what you want. I am listing below a link to a PPG Color Selector.

I believe the color you are looking for is in the second column from the left and the second one up from the bottom. Now this chip page is just for reference only. The only way to see the true color is going to a paint store and requesting to see their 1996 Ford color book.