Auto Glass: Honda Prelude 98 window problem, honda prelude, automatic braking system


My passenger window on my Honda Prelude '98 doesnt work but the driver window does work and I was told it was the ABS Control Unit component that needs replacing not the actual motor in the window.

Is that right?

I think I need to get this:

I was also told that the door module on it could need replacing instead of the ABS Control Unit.

I am confused a bit as to which component I should replace.

So just again, my driver window comes down but not the passenger.


Hello Adrian,

I don't think you need the ABS control unit.  I believe "ABS" stands for "Automatic Braking System" which I doubt has anything to do with your windows.

There is no way for me to know what the exact problem is.  The problem could be in the switches, the wiring, the window control module, or the window motor itself.  You need to find someone who has experience working on power windows to diagnose this problem for you.

Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.

Ben ... the power window guy