Auto Glass: 1988 Regal Custom Coupe both power windows inop, fuse panel, pink wire

Both power windows in my son's 88 Regal Coupe stopped working at the same time. Where do you suggest we start looking....breaker/relay location....ground???

Hi Chris,

You probably have some sort of wiring issue.  The first thing to do is to check to see if you have power coming into the master window switch.  I think it comes in on the pink wire.  If it's not a pink wire then it will probably be a yellow wire.  

If you don't have power coming into the master switch find the circuit breaker (silver) in the fuse panel and check to see if you have power at the circuit breaker location in the fuse panel.  If you have power at the circuit breaker but not at the switch you probably have a broken wire between the driver door and the body of the car.  Most breaks occur inside the rubber boot located between the door hinges.

If you have power into the switch, check for power out as follows:  Driver - dk blue is up / dk brown is down  Passenger - light blue is up / tan is down.  If you have power in and out of your master switch you most likely have some broken wires between the driver door and the body of the car.

That's about as much as I can recommend at this point.  Feel free to send a follow up question once you have had a chance to check things out.

Ben ... the power window guy