Auto Parts: Little power

Hi Mike, I have a 1992 vw polo 1.0 petrol. It will not idle and will run on the flat but not on any kind of hill. It has a single point injector which dosent look as though it has a good supply/spray to me. unable to locate a new one so am getting that one cleaned. Do you think this could be the problem or could it be something further along the fuel line I should check too. I was told that this type of injector dosent often cause problems. I do appreciate your help, kind regards, david

    Truth is that the fuel system rarely causes any sort of problem.  Most folks don't understand how they work (this applies to carburetors, as well) and are inclined to blame them for difficult to solve problems.

    Ignition systems are the most likely cause of problems, and you should have yours thoroughly tuned up.  Look at the plugs when you take them out.  The insulators should all be the same color, and that should be a light tan.  Really white or dark insulators are indications of improper mixture or ignition.  Again, it is more likely to be the ignition than the mixture so do the tune-up first.  With new plugs, wires, cap, and rotor drive the car again and see if it still acts up.  If it does, you should let a qualified mechanic have a scan of your system.  The Bosch system is a good one, but most laymen cannot diagnose or repair it.  Again, make sure he is a qualified Bosch tech; others will not do you much good.