Auto Parts: overheated 95 jetta, head gasket, cracked head

What up man? I have 1995 jetta III 2.0 overheated on the freeway, everything shut down, lights all came on. Water was dripping out of my exhaust and car wouldn't crank over anymore. What did I do and how can I fix it ????????? Thanks, Jason in Sacramento

Hi Jason,

What's up is you may have taken that motor a little further than it wanted to go while extremely overheated.

Water out the tailpipe is a bad sign. Chances are that indicates a cracked head or engine block. If it were simply a head gasket, chances are that any coolant or oil leakage would be taking place inside the engine. If the head or block cracks, a large amount of coolant can be allowed into the cylinder and since liquids are non-compressible, the small amount of liquid in the cylinder will make it hydro-lock. Once an engine hydro-locks it's time to replace it. Hydro-locking can cause bent rods, cracked blocks/heads, bent or broken valves and crankshaft breaks and is generally never a good thing.

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