Auto Parts: vw jetta transmission, vw jetta, knucklebusters

I drive a 96 vw jetta glx vr6.couple weeks ago, the auto transmission casing broke from the mount. which caused the transmission cable to break. Now I need a used transmission casing or a used or rebuilt transmission. apart from vw dealers, where do you suggest I can find a used one?

Hi Damola,

Where can you get a used transmission? Well, from Knucklebusters of course! Re-use is the BEST form of recycling!

I'm going to assume you are looking for an automatic trans. So I'll also assume your trans code is: CLB. If I am assuming incorrectly, please disregard the rest of this and send me a follow-up with the proper info.

I have a "CLB" transmission with 93K on it. The unit was tested and is guaranteed for 90-days. I have it listed for $975.00 plus truck-freight but because you are asking from the AllExperts site, I'll do it laid-in to you for $1000.00 even. That's the transmission, freight and a 90-day warranty for $1G.

Thanks for the question, I hope this information was helpful to you.
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