Auto Parts: 1995 Ford Probe Automatic 4 cylindar, coolant temperature sensor, foreign cars

My car will start the only problem i have is when it runs for 2-3 hours it will not start back for several days as in 2-3 days. What could be my problem?

Hi Kenny,

Let's first start with the basics-is the check engine light on?
It sounds to me like it might be a sensor, I'm not even sure if your car has a temperature sensor, but if it's going out it will make the computer think that your engine is too hot to start.
Let me look online and see if I can find out if your car has a temperature sensor-those foreign cars can be so weird sometimes.

OK- it looks like your vehicle DOES have a coolant temperature sensor, and from what you've described to me it sounds like it's going bad. Here's a link to a site I use a lot for auto parts, I would try replacing this sensor (you can go to AutoZone to have it tested first if you'd like) the sensor is located in the center of the water pump and should have atleast one wire coming out of it.
