Car Alarms: Parking lights stay on, brain box, perameters

Hopefully you'll be able to help me . I have an after market alarm installed by a local dealer,the prolem seems to be that for some unknown reason, my parking lights stay on when the alarm arms itself. After working all day, came home to a dead battery, changed the battery, reset the alarm,still to no avail, lights remain on and periodically go off(if I'm lucky). I brought it back to the dealer who installed it, he pulled both fuses dor the alarm system, and the parking lights still remained on ! !
Please help,

Sounds as if the alarm brain has a relay that won't close.
Many systems have a feature setting whitch flashes the parking lights
when armed and disarmed. It seems you have one\
that has a relay inside it the froze and now it
making the lights start on for longer the then
maximum 30 seconds possible through the normal perameters
of the alarm.

Unplug the brain box for
the alarm and swap it out.

Best way to go really.