Car Alarms: 2002 ford explorer, relative questions, ford 2002

My ford 2002 explorer has the theft light on and I don't have the remote for the alarm and I can't turn the key and the steering wheel is lock in position

Ok, asked and answered many, many times in the past &
you should have used the links on the page you came
from to check on those past answers.

I have set up a web site
to deal with the FORD P.A.T.S.
"No Start" issue and explained the methods,
with illustrations, to get around this common
problem many Ford vehicle owners
& shop mechanics face everyday.

Please go to the FORD PATS website/Blog
and begin your
project to learn how to bypass PATS so you can
drive your vehicle again!

Good luck and if you have more relative questions
about the Ford's P.A.T.S. (Passive-Anti-Theft-System),
please be sure to use the PATS BLOG link on that
page to post it or,
any other comments you want to

I do hope you find it useful,
& good luck with your project.