Car Alarms: disarming my after-market alarm on my 94 honda accord, honda accord, attempted theft

i lost the alarm remote for my 1994 Honda accord. The alarm randomly started going off at a gas station one day and now i need the remote every time i open my door. I have tried unlocking and locking it with the key but it did not work and the ignition locks when the alarm goes off. is there anyway to disarm the whole system. i really do not want it.

This comes up allot!

So to tackle this issue,
I have designed a web site with
this very situation in mind.

Since providing this kind of data
online and openly for all to read
is not a good idea, and can lead to misuse,
I have designed a website that offers
disarm, disable or, removal data direct
to the owner of the vehicle by email.

That way I have a trail in case the
information is found to be used in
an attempted theft.

We can do that for you too.
Go to
to aquire information on removing
your alarm system.

Good luck with it.