Car Alarms: Cannot disarm Alarm system, passlock 2, starter relay

When I use the LOCK switch on the door panel of my '03 Chevy S-10, I let it sit for an hour or so. When I return I use my key fob transmitter to unlock the door. The lights flash and I can hear the relays unlock the door. As I enter the SECURITY readout on the dash flashes ( normal#,
but the engine will not crank! I have changed the Delphi FUSE RELAY CENTER box and even the STARTER relay #3604) in it.Cycling the door lock w/key does nothing.In time, fiddling finally releases it %26 I can start. HOW TO FIX ???

It sounds like a classic PASSLOCK 2 shut down.
I beleive it can be "fixed" however.
Have a read through at .

My experience tells me you will need the PLJX kit
and 2 relays and sockets to get around your problem
here, but go look for yourself.

There are ALLOT of people in your position. :>(