Car Alarms: 95 camry car alarm, remote starter installation, shock sensor

I purchased a 95 camry and the original alarm "brain" has been removed.  I was trying to save time and install an alarm I purchased.  I was hoping to get the wiring reference for the previous alarm so I can splice the wires from the plug.  Is this possible?  NOT SURE THE BRAND OF ALARM BECAUSE IT WAS REMOVED. The shock sensor has 65C-00263 & 0825K

Thank you,

Yes this file is available
in my Data Base. I make my living
online putting together these project
data charts for installers and novices alike.

To purchase the specific wiring color,
location and designation data chart
for your car alarm, keyless entry &
remote starter installation project,
go to my site at

Since this is a live service, and I am the
only one here that runs the WIREWERX,
I will compile your notes personally,
and then send them back directly to the
PAYPAL email you used. A.S.A.P.

Please remember to follow up after purchase with
the make, model & year of the vehicle your
project is for so that I can get you what you need

Have a great day.