Car Alarms: How to disable the alarm system of 2002 mustang V6, mustang v6, alarm system

My 2002 mustang V6 lost its battery because I left the headlight on for a whole day. Then I had to use the key to enter the car, open the trunk and jump start the car. Then I drove the car home. Everthing seems to go smoothly.
However, the second time I wanna start the car, the alarm system went crazy, neither of my two remote controls can disable the alarm, and neither of my two original key can start the car.
So my question is that is there any specific operation I need to do to diable the alarm system, or I can reset the alarm system?
Thanks very much!

it's the PATS system shutting you down.

You need to have Ford reset the PATS
and reprogram the keys due to the battery being
disabled for that long. It's lost it's codes and ford needs
to reset it.

Good luck.