Car Alarms: 2001 Nissan Altima GXE: Car Alarm Out of Control!, nissan altima gxe, nissan altima

Hello, I am desperately hoping that you can help me. I have a 2001 Nissan Altima GXE Limited Edition w/83,000 miles, no warranty & a factory alarm. A couple of weeks ago the alarm started to go off randomly. The only way we could turn it off was to disconnect the battery, but as soon as it was reconnected the problem continued. We then disconnected the horn but the lights continue to flash. Inserting the key & turning, as recomended in the manual, does not work but we discovered key fob will temporarly turn it off. We replaced the help. It has even started going off while driving. Can you please tell me how to just turn it off for this point I don't even care if it gets stolen, I'm just fed up!
Thanks, Sarah

Ok, if the OEM alarm
malfunctioning now,
(car horn blarring and head lights flashing)
odds are, it will again.

Get out some basic install tools or get
a friend or a good technician
in there to do this.

Normally, you would insert the key in
the drivers door, turn left, then right
to disarm and reset it. If yours is malfunctioning,
you can disable it for good by doing the following:

green/yellow |- negative polarity|
at the smart entrance control.
The smart entrance control unit is located
to the right of the steering column.  
It is black or blue in color.

Once Located, splice into this wire with
a simular guage wire, and put it to
a solid chassis ground. This terminates
the OEM alarm functions entirely.

However, at this point, this car would be exceedingly
easy to steel, so I suggest you get an aftermarket
alarm system to protect it from here on in.

Have a good day.