Car Alarms: Prestige car alarm, prestige car, valet service

QUESTION: I have a Prestige car alarm -aps2k4 for my 2000 acura 1.6 el and I can't get my car to start.  I just got the car, second hand, and it came with it without instructions. My remote has 4 buttons: Lock(red), unlock (red), trunk(green) and option(black).  I was told to lock and unlock the doors with the lock(red) button and (if needed) to press option (black) twice to get the car to start automatically.  this morning I  went to my car, I pressed the red lock button to unlock my car which is what I have been doing without a problem but this time the alarm just went off.    I pressed the on/off button next to the steering wheel to reset the darn thing, after a while the alarm went off but when I go to start my car the alarm comes back on.  SOS.

ANSWER: Sure, let's put it into valet/service mode.

Ok, do this if you can:
turn on the ignition
key, press and hold in the button
until the alarm chirps 1 time.

This should over ride the system, and only
the keyless entry part, if installed,
would still be operating.

The LED (light emiting diode) light in the dash
should also go on solid. Now the car should start
if this procedure worked.

This solves the problem for now.

Then if you want to remove it, take it to a local
after market alarm dealer and have it done there.

They may even be able to reset/reprog. the features on
the alarm you have, to allow you to use the system
more comfortably, but of course, your call.

Have a nice afternoon.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: You are the second person who recommended this procedure.  
I went to car again and unlocked the doors, the alarm went off of course, then I inserted the key in the ignition and turned it on (before cranking) and I pressed the on(green light) and off (red light) button for 10 seconds, still nothing.  So then I tried it again and I held the button for a longer period, I did hear the chirp sound and the alarm went off, eventually but the car did not start.  My question is should I press and hold the button went it's flashing red or green or is it the amount of time I press and hold the button that matters.  I still need your help.  Thanks.

I don't think you are on the correct button. Never heard of
a valet switch on a Prestige Audiovox alarm with
a built in light, red, green or any other wise.

Look again under the dash area for a black or a red
smallish spring loaded button, drilled into the
drivers kick panel area.
