Car Alarms: alarm problems, grand cherokee, turn signals

I have a 98 Grand Cherokee I recently purchased. One day the car battery died (due to a weak alternator I need to replace), and when I went to jump it it wouldn't start. Something happened where the lights started flashing on and off (headlights alternating with turn signals) and I jumped back in the car (no charger) and it started. I drove it around and everything seemed fine, but when I turned it off again it would start. I've tried to jump it again and mess with the key unlocking and combinations of all types but it won't crank. Can I disconnect it to start the thing and do I need to get this fixed or can I just inactivate the alarm and just drive it like that?

Normally, you would insert the key in
the drivers door, turn left, then right
to disarm and reset it. If yours is malfunctioning,
you can disable it for good by doing the following:

purple/yellow |-| in the drivers
or passengers door harness coming
from the door.

Once Located, splice into this wire with
a simular guage wire, and put it to
a solid chassis ground. This terminates
the alarm functions entirely.

However, at this point, this car would be exceedingly
easy to steel, so I suggest you get an aftermarket
alarm system to protect it from here on in.

Have a good day.