Car Alarms: astra 777 and commando 4 door aftermarket lock kit, commando, neg

hi, i hope someone can answer this.  I have the astra 777 model 2-way alarm and
i also have the commando aftermarket power door kit.  according to the
instructions i am supposed to connect the brown wire of the door lock kit to the
blue wire of the 777 and the white wire to the green wire of the 777(neg
input)this in turn manages to unlock the doors when unarming. arming the system
leaves the doors unlocked. now the doors all lock and unlock manually. my
question is how do i get the opposite to work? do i need extra relay(s) for
this. i am seriously confused.  

You wires seem to be backwards.
Simply try swapping the out puts from
the alarm. put the green wire to the brown
and blue to white.

If that does not work, call 1 800 780-1409
and speak to tech support at Command for
some extended support.

But from the sounds of it, it's simply set up

Luck with it.