Car Alarms: car alarm, chrysler cirrus, 1998 chrysler cirrus

My 1998 chrysler cirrus has some type of alarm. I beleive it is factory installed. My battery went low so we tried to jump start it and now my alarm will not shut off. We has to disconnect the cable from the battery so it would not drain again. I bought this car private and do not have the keychain to shut this off and now my car will not start because of the anti theft. Please help me asap. Is the a way to disconnect this or at least override it?

The trouble here is it's not a quick fix if it's
a factory alarm issue. To disarm the FACTORY alarm
you will have to locate the
Lt. green/orange wire from driver's door.
Use a positive (+) trigger thru a 470 ohm
resistor to disarm. Must use relay,
and once set up, ground permanantly to keep
it off. See for wire set up.

If it were an aftermarket system, see the previous
posts about using VALET/OVERIDE. But from the sounds
of it, the factory alarm is the trouble.

Have it towed to the nearest technician, replace the
battery, and hopefully this fix will solve the issue.

Good luck.