Car Alarms: Alarmtek 2003 Sunfire and compustar RS, gm passlock, manual transmissions

1. Where did your website go? I visited often and now it's gone.
2. I am installing a compustar RS in a 2003 Sunfire Manual Trans. Does not have power windows or power locks. When the doors are open and shut I have the delayed dome light. What do I connect to to tell the unit the driver door is open?
3. I have to go to reservation mode to remote start a manual. I have to connect to one side of the clutch to Remote Start. Exactly what is the wiring sequence to wire to the clutch?
4. I need a bypass for GM passlock. What is the best unit and what is the wiring sequence?

David Worth  

My web host's site was down for about 16 hours.
All up and running again. to navigate.

If this has an alarm also, see delay last door arming.
other then that, it's either turn off the OEM delay,
or, put in your own pin switch..

I don't advise remote start on this vehicle, so please
understand when I decline to assist on this part.
You would need to contact the people you bought the system
from to get that support.

The best is the bypasskit PLJX self learning
GM passlock module. The wiring instructions
are in the module box upon purchase, 49.95.

Good luck. Just know that remote starting a manual
transmission is not advised, but installing
a remote starter not designed for manual transmissions
is just insane. Might want to rethink your choice
of equipment.