Car Alarms: 2001 Nissan Altima security system failure, nissan altima, wire splice

My car alarm is going off randomly - I saw on your Q & A that disarm wire is white/blue at driver's switch in door and to splice into it and ground it.  Can you give me more specific details on locating this wire, do you need to remove door panel, exact location, is there a wire that I can cut without having to splice and ground - I don't care if alarm never works again - I am a woman and need the easiest fix you can provide.  Thank you very much.

k, first off, not a chauvinist here, so being a woman
does not matter here. Man, woman, all the same to me.
You are a car owner and need to fix it, right?

So, now that we got that out of the way,
let's see...

In this particular car,
the FACTORY ALARM DISARM wire is green/yellow|-|
located at the smart entrance control unit,
located to the right of the steering column.  
It is black or, blue in color.

But you will still need to keep the wire intact,
so, shave off some of the vinal covering the wire,
splice a simular size wire (local advance auto store),
then locate a good ground and attatch it.

This solves the issue if you are game.
Hope so, hate to see a stereo type keep you
from achieving your goal!
(Nudge Nudge-wink wink:))

Let's see what you can do.