Car Alarms: galaxy 5000rs-2w &2000dodge caravan, galaxy 5000rs, dodge caravan

Hi...I just bought a galaxy remote start and alarm system...we are not exactly sure how to install it and my husband doent want to screw it up...can you help me? We cant seem to fond the instructions we need anywhere...we need to install in a 2000 dodge caravan...thanks

I would strongly suggest you speak to the seller about
the 8 relays and sockets, and transmod bypass you will
need to install into this truck. You can purchase
the wiring data chart at my site
for the job, but if I were you, I would
get a tech on this one. Difficult install.
Requiring multiple relays and resistors inline
for Chrysler/Dodge vehicles.

Unfortunately I sell those here too, and won't
be able to help install it for free. I can only provide
that level of service to my own clientel, but
if your seller is reputable, they should provide
the technical support you are asking me for.

Good luck with it.