Car Alarms: Keyless remote reset ?, hyundai elantra, viper 300

I have a 1999 Hyundai Elantra with a Viper 300 series alarm on it.  6 months ago, I lost one of the remotes and ordered a new one from Viper.  Before I used it, I found the old one that I had 'lost'...I let the new one sit for the last 6 months.  Now I can't get the new remote to operate the alarm system and unlock doors.  It's battery seems ok, since I get the LED light when I press the unlock/lock button (BTW, it's a two-button set.  There is no disable switch with this system.  Is there a way to 'reset' the new remote so that it works with the system ?  Thanks....

Look in the manual under reprograming remotes to you
system and follow it. The alarm can program up to 4 remotes I believe.
You most likely lost the programing
on the first one somewhere along the way.

If no install manual, go to
and find the pdf file there.

Have a nice day.