Car Alarms: false alarms, shock sensor, false alarms

I installed a Hurricane2 in my 64 corvette and get frequent false alarms.Didnt hook up ch2,ch4, hood/trunk imput,interior light,parking light,door trigger or locks. Have impact sensor and starter disable only. do I need to do something with the unused ends? Also how do I adjust the impact sensor sensitivity,does turning the nobs clockwise increase or decrease sensitivity? Regards

From the sounds of it, you need to NOT rely on the shock
sensor for your only trigger, or most anything
with set it off. From a truck to a strong wind.

Do the door trigger, and then set the shock sensor to
about 8-9 on the setting wheel (clockwise). Then place
it towards the center console under the dash,
wire tired to a harness, NOT flat up against a metal
surface (too much vibration this way).

Not worried about the rest as long as the power
wire is correct, and so is the ignition sense
(switched) so the alarm knows when the car is on or

Try this and see if it makes the correction needed.

(I would do the parking lights just for confirmation
that the alarm is armed, disarmed from a distance.)

Hood and trunk are optional, but in your case
probably not a bad idea since the hood can be
accessed from outside of the vehicle, and the trunk
can be popped too.

Let me know how it goes, and what you find.
