Car Alarms: VIPER or not, assistance requests, resons

I am getting ready to buy an 05 accord sedan lx.
I did not opt for the stock security system because i heard that it wasn't good.  I have been shopping local shops as well as Car Toys and Best Buy which offer Viper and Python.  I am looking at the models that have the 2-way paging remotes.  I looked at your other comments on Viper products and you said you just didn't like them.  Could you give me some resons why, and maybe a suggestion for something else?  Also, would you recommend going through a bigger company like Best Buy, or go with a small local shop that may be a little more expensive, buy might spend more time hiding the brain and harnesses?  
Thanks for your expertise

Some alarms are great, some are'nt, but most do the same things, (ie; keyless entry, starter disable, siren etc....) It's what "behind" the product that should be considered when shopping for vehicle security. Here are some handy guidelines that might help you on the way to your purchase.
First, ask all the questions you want! This is important and it will seperate the good from the bad. If the "End User" support from the maufacturer is good, and available when needed, this above all is important. Avoid fly by nighters, Ebay liquidators, or Manufacturers who deal with "DEALER ONLY" networks, who ignore your technical assistance requests simply because you are not "authorized" to receive information for the product you had installed in your vehicle. VERY FRUSTRATING!

Next, determine what you want BEFORE you enter into a discussion with the salesman, You could get taken real good if you are'nt certain. (by the time it's all said and done, you will have an expensive, bloated system installed when in fact you should have done better with less.

And finally, whatever the cost projections you have for the "perfect" system to protect your vehicle, Make damn sure that the system you buy is clear and understandable, does what you intended it to do, and of course that the installer is a qualified technician, skilled at installing the equipment you bought.

"But What Do You Think Of The Equipment?"

Of course the equipment is important, but it's useless if you are not actually protecting the vehicle the way you want to. Don't skimp, but don't overdo it either. Go into this one with your eyes wide open and do your research. It's supposed to protect you, not confuse the hell out of you! Viper products tend to do that and lean toward the dependence of the installer/shop
to provide service.

Unfortunately in a perfect world,
They would assist you right away,
this being said however, in the real world,
not so much. You will usually have to go through
channels to get things done and approved.
Viper dealers have a tendency
to run and hide if they don't want to
go over warranty work. Pisses me off!
By I digress.....

Through our grapevine, we've come to find out that DEI (Viper/Directed Electronics) has aquired CLIFFORD/AVITAL/CODE ALARM & AUTOPAGE.
That means they share a tiered
price structure, and you end up paying between 40 to 65% more for a DEI product.

You can do better with a system that does the same things (& more) for alot less.
These systems for the most part share electronics
componant makers overseas, so if
you want to pay for the Name, then go for it.
If you want a better system and network to deal with
let me know.

By the way, for my money in the New Accord,
I have a couple of solid suggestions
that would do very well for interfacing
properly to this specific vehicle.

My site will
provide The notes on this vehicle for FREE
and will send them along with a suggested
list of relays, and accessories to do the
job correclty the first time, if you decide
to purchase the system here.

If you want the whole package with paging,
alarm and remote start/car alarm/keyless entry,
the Galaxy 5000 RSW 2WAY combo or, the
Ultrastart 4255tl combo
remote start/car alarm/keyless systems
are my first choices on this one.
(see at 169.95 for either currently!)

The upgraded Galaxy 5000TC is a true color LCD system
with FM strength paging for 239.00)

You may like the Ultrastart 4500
(a bit higher priced @ 199.95)
or, the Commando 870s (179.95),
but for this specific
project, I am leaning towards the first
2 and in that order. Have a look at the
features for these on
to compare.

The Galaxy is the easier of the
2 to install on your own since
it is a tachless system out of the box.
The Viper is too much money and has had it's share
of programing problems for the end user
(especially the paging systen they use)
but not my first or second one on this truck.
Galaxy does the best on Toyotas and most
all Japanese vehicles in general.

Keep in mind that the best thing here
in my opinion is the comfort of
the 2 way pager.
This way you know it's YOUR car.
Not some random siren going off outside,
but YOURS!

Either way you would
still get starter disable, flashing lights,
2 remotes, domelight monitoring, 6 tone siren,
2 stage impact sensor , paging remote start
and more.

You can also add an interior/exterior microwave
sensor to detect movement. This completes the
overall security needs I would think.

Have a look and let me know what I can do for you.
We'll get you squared away in no time.

Either way you go at this, just make certain you get
not only sale support, but long term product & tech
support on the product.

Very importatant.

Happy Holidays!

Robert Martin/CEO
SECURITY APPLICATION SPECIALIST (Home) (ALARMTEK Credentials) (SHOP ALARMTEK!) (12 VOLT ACCESSORIES) (See The Best One On the Market HERE!) (Installation Services In Our Florida Shops!) (Remote Starters!) (ALARMTEK's Honda Car Alarm Sales!) (find or, BE a tech in YOUR area!) (Visit ALARMTEK's Garage!) (My ALARM INSTALLATION Q@A Forum!) (For Relay Applications For YOUR Project!) (Get YOUR Data Charts!) (Car Alarm Reviews) (Car Alarm Installation Tutorials) (MY PAYPAL SECURE SHOPPING CENTER)

Have a good one!