Car Alarms: Remote Problem!, gm passlock, saturn sl1

First let me thank you in advance for this site. I'm a backyard installer (wanabe) and recently I took a challenge that is causing me some excrutiating headache. There goes my problem, I installed an alarm/remote start combo made by commodocaralarms (FM-870) unit on a '98 Saturn SL1. I've also installed aftermarket power door lock kits. At the end of the installation everything turn out working like a charm except for the remote start. Thanks to the volunteer at "" help me realize that I need to have the tach wire connected. I went back and hookup the white/red wire from the unit to the orange wire from the distributor plug and try to program the unite to recognize the tach. The engine is still not even turning and my power lock that used to work stop working. I reprogram it again then the power lock would unlock but won't lock, and when I press the lock button on the LCD remote it shows ignition ON. I double check the starter kill relay setup and it's excatly like the instruction in the installation manual. What bothers me most is that the engine does not even turn in any attempt to remote start it. Now I'm starting to think the unit itself is faulty, so before I call commandocaralarm can you help me make sure that it so. I want to be certain it's not something I doing wrong.
Again THANKS in advence, this is a great website.  

First make sure the 870 is in "voltage sensing" I t must be or nada.  Next the grounds, check where they are, and
make sure they are solid grounds to the BODY of the chassis.

Then finally this car has a GM PASSLOCK II system that needs
to be bypassed. All 98+ Saturns do. Make sure this is set up correctly as well, or no go either.

Call Commando for support (800 780-1409),
that's what they are there for.
Please do not experiment anymore until you get
some first hand help, or you may cause
additional probs.

Good luck with it.