Car Stereos: Audio System, loud pop, honda accord

QUESTION: When I turn on my radio/cd system, sometimes it will power but no sound comes out and sometimes it works but then there will be a loud pop and the sound will cease. Any ideas on what it can be and what can I do to fix it?
The car is a 2005 Honda Accord.
Thanks very much

ANSWER: Hi Josh,

It sounds like it's time for a new deck.  The loud pop is likely some of the circuitry within the unit expanding with heat and losing contact.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks Justin for the answer.
Is it possible to repair the circuitry as Honda has told me
that it will cost like 900$ to replace?
Thanks again

Hi Josh,

Forget about Honda.  They'll screw you every time.

You have two options here.

The first one is to find your deck on eBay. I'd imagine you'll find it in the $1-200 range there.  Then install yourself, it is not difficult at all.  (Just remove it from the dash and plug a few clips in.  That's it.)

Second, is to replace it entirely with a nice aftermarket deck -- one that does MP3 and bluetooth can be had for < $200 these days.  It's a little tougher to install, but with an adapter harness that can be had for < $20, and all the install hardware, you're not looking at much more, and you'll have a way better deck in your car.
