Car Stereos: 2005 Honda Accord LX audio system failure, loud pop, hot weather

About two years ago, I started having an audio problem where I'd be driving down the road listening to a CD when all of a sudden I would hear a loud pop and the sound died, but the CD player kept working. A reset of the power to the system seemed to fix it. It progressively got worse, and would pop more often, and seemed to be worse during hot weather, or when braking. Sometimes loud squealing or whining would also occur that would only end when I turned off the audio system. Upon turning the system back on, banging on the side of audio system with my fist under the steering wheel seemed to induce the popping as well, and after a few times of doing this I would be able to bang on it without it popping and it seemed to work for awhile, maybe days at a time with no problem before popping again. Also, during a recent episode where resetting it wouldn't get sound to come out for a couple days, changing between CD and AM/FM caused a soft thumping sound to be heard from my back speakers. Any idea what it could be? Thanks for your time.

Chris, It sounds like your radio has a short in it.  It will need to be replaced or repaired to get it to work properly.  If you are happy with the radio, I would just get it repaired for about $100.  If you would like some better options that are available today, I would replace it with a newer radio that has the options you are looking for, for about $150.  Hope this helps, Scott