Car Stereos: install iec auloc 2007 trailblazer stock bose, rear cargo area, fuse box

QUESTION: trying to hook up output converter for a sub not sure what color wires i need to hook them up to the blazer


Your best bet is probably to connect the converter to the front door speaker wires.  You'll have to find them in the plugs at the factory amplifier, or in wire bundles running into each door.  The factory amplifier is located under the panel on the right side of the rear cargo area.  The wire colors are tan (+) and gray (-) for the left speaker, and light green (+) and dark green (-) for the right speaker.   These wires can be found in the large plug at the factory amp.  You'll probably find more wires in the plug that are the same color; the four speaker wires will be thicker than the other wires, and they'll be located next to each other, in a row.

Hope this helps!



---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi again,

Thank you very much was very helpful i have one more question, can i hook up the remote to the fuse box under the back seat and if i can what fuse would you use? i checked a couple of them but I'm still getting power to my amp when the car is off.


Sorry about the delay in answering your follow-up question.

I really haven't had good luck finding a useful fuse to tap for the amplifier remote connection.  Generally, if I'm connecting a remote wire in these vehicles, I go directly to the ignition switch wiring and connect to the thick brown wire in the ignition harness.  This is the true accessory wire in this vehicle.  If you tap into this wire, you must put a fuse on your remote wire near the tap point; otherwise a short on the remote wire could damage the ignition wiring or blow the key switch fuse (making the vehicle inoperable).  

The disadvantage to this connection is that it will make the amplifier shut off when you turn the key off, instead of staying on until you open the door like the factory radio.  There's really no retained accessory power source you can tap in the Trailblazer.  However, you can use a line output converter with a remote trigger module; or a separate remote trigger module, like PAC-Audio's TR-4.  This can be connected directly to the factory speaker wiring, and produces a remote output voltage whenever an audio signal is detected.

Hope this helps!
