Car Stereos: Trying to wire a XD1222 sterio into a 95 F150, blown fuses, wire colors

I have no idea what I am doing I am trying to hook up a XD1222 into A 95' F150. I dont understand how to hook up the wires from the truck to the radio

Hi William,

This is the purpose of a wiring harness adapter.  You can buy this at any car audio store (and most discount stores).  A wire harness adapter fits the factory radio plugs in your truck, and it has color-coded wires that will match the colors in the wiring plug that comes with your new deck.  To install the deck, you just have to splice the new deck's wires to the same wire colors in the adapter harness, and tape off any unused wires.  Do your wiring at the workbench, not in the truck; this will help you avoid short circuits and blown fuses.  Once you're done splicing, just connect the wire harness adapter to the factory radio plugs, and then plug in the new head unit.

Hope this helps!
