Car Stereos: jvc subwoofer low sound, dual voice coil, portable cd player

QUESTION: I have a KD-HDR50 installed and works fine. I added a 600w sub amp and get very low volume. I checked all controls. Someone suggested that the head unit sub ground has been shorted. I got another amp, no difference.

ANSWER: Hi Will,

I'd suggest double-checking the subwoofer wiring, especially if you have two subs or a dual voice coil sub.  If you've mixed up the (+) and (-) connections on one of the two subs (or on one of the voice coils) then it can have an extreme effect on the subwoofer output.  If you have a two-sub system, one way to test is to disconnect one of the subs, and see if the output increases.  If it's louder with one sub than with two, then re-connect the sub, but reverse the (+) and (-) connections.

Hope this helps!


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Brian, thanks for reply.  I have one sub(Dual Brand), 4or2 channel.1-Panasonic 12"speaker.  I have rechecked the wiring, grounding,and sttings, imput vol., bass levels etc. I tried a old non sub speaker, just to see if there was any difference, no improvement.
any more suggestions?


Hi Will,

Sorry for the delay in answering; but in fact, I don't have much more to offer.  I'm assuming that you're using two of the amp channels in "bridged" mode; you might want to double-check and make sure you're connected to the correct speaker terminals on the amp.  Otherwise, I don't have any useful suggestions.  I suppose it's possible that the head unit's RCA outputs are defective; but I haven't run into that particular problem with a head unit before.  You might try connecting another music source, like an iPod or portable CD player, to the amplifier's inputs, just to see if it makes a difference.  

Sorry I can't be more helpful!
