Car Stereos: speaker troubles, glastron boat, well water

QUESTION: Hi, i just recently installed a new stereo deck in our 1999 glastron boat. idk if you know anything about boat audio systems or if it is different. but heres my problem: i installed my stereo and connected it right. right now its only using two speakers cause thats all that was in there before, but i can only go so loud and if i go too loud the sound just starts cutting out and its like a cd skipping but its on radio. i was just wondering if i needed more speakers or whats the deal?


ANSWER: Hi Andrew,

If it starts cutting out and making CD skipping noises at higher volumes, you've probably either got a short somewhere, or some loose wiring.  When you overpower speakers or try and make a deck output more volume than it's capable of, you'll just hear nasty distortion.

Another possibility is that they're not well water sealed and water has gotten into the wiring, although based on the symptoms, it's unlikely.

Check the wiring, ensure everything is clean and tight.  If it continues to do that, you might have a messed up deck on your hands.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: ok i checked the wiring today... but everything seems intact and working right. i tried different speakers and they did the same thing. the volume goes from 0-100 in multiples of 2, but once i get around 62-70 it starts to do that cd skipping thing. if its below that level then it works just fine. but that level isn't very loud. i cant even hear it when the motor is running. i don't think i have a messed up deck cause i bought it brand new and just installed it.
also when i tried different speakers, i checked the connection and it was good. also with both speakers, the ones that were already installed, and the ones that i tried that i had, it started the cd skipping thing at the same level.

I'm just so confused!!! please help! thanks!

Hi Andrew,

The only two things remaining are speakers that have too little resistance for the aftermarket deck you've installed, something hooked up wrong, or a bad deck entirely.

If it's brand new, I'd suggest using your warranty coverage and having it replaced.  If nothing else, it will eliminate it as a possibility.
