BMW Repair: BMW 325i A/C Clutch not working, fuse blows, compressor clutch

Hi, Our 1992 325i's A/C is not working. What i know is that the compressor clutch does not engage when turning on A/C. After a little while it tries to and then the number 39 fuse blows. I checked to make sure the aux fan comes on and it does with the key in the on position. The number 39 fuse is the only fuse that blows and then the clutch will not try to engage after that. Appreciate your thoughts. Thanks

By the fuse blowing it means there is an excessive current draw on that circuit.Being that the compressor seems to be on that fuse I would say the a/c clutch for the compressor is bad,or the compressor is bad.If the compressor turns freely than the clutch is bad.