BMW Repair: 89 735i starting, head gasket, rocker arms

found 2 broken rocker arms before that  only getting spark to the first plug before that real hard to start when it was cold replaced head gasket set, therm, water pump, coilnew plugs checked crank sen what do i do now

Wow...I sit here reading this and question myself wondering about the answer to best help you.It has many possibilites.I really would have to get more input from you.You ask what you should do the basics.You should purchase a manual for the 7351 from Bentley.It has the specs for just about all the ignition system.What cause the rocker arms to break?The spark problem,has it changed?how did the cap and rotor look when the head gaket was replaced?Is the transmisision std or auto? Is the locating pin,that is located in the flywheel there?