BMW Repair: 97 328i coolant overflow reservoir, bmw dealer, coolant

QUESTION: I was sitting in my 97 328i BMW on Monday talking on the phone while the car was idling and all of a sudden, smoke started billowing out of the front. I immediately turned the engine off and went outside to look.  There was coolant all over the ground. After about an hour, I opened the lid to the coolant overflow reservoir and poured in some water. It proceeded to pour out of the bottom of the reservoir onto the ground. I have not driven the car since as I am trying to decide what to do. How can I tell if it's the plastic reservoir that is bad? Can I remove it? If so, how? Any suggestions?

ANSWER:  You can tell if the overflow tank is bad in the same way you found it....pour water in it and see.

I would recommend changing out the whole radiator.  Not that expensive, and these have a relatively short life anyhow.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: How hard would it be for me to switch out the reservoir so that I can take it to a shop to get the radiator replaced? I can't see how to get it out and I am afraid of cracking the black plastic that connects it to the frame.

Ahh.....good question.

First, do you have AAA?  You can have them tow it for free, up to a certain distance.

The car can't be driven without the overflow tank.  It functions as part of the radiator.  It is however a separate part.  

If you have the mechanic skills to remove it and replace it, I can send you a picture of the parts and how they go together, as well as the part numbers and a BMW dealer where you can order them on-line for about 1/2 what your local dealer will charge for the parts.  (if you're going to have the dealer do the work, you must buy the parts there).  If you want do this, send me your email address (make sure you mark the question "private") and I will send them.