BMW Repair: 1984 318i crank sensor, crank sensor, alan king

I was told to replace the crank sensor by anohter expert on However, I have not been able to find anything about a crank sensor on this particular model. Furthermore, I have went to the parts store to get this and they were unsable to find the part on my model either. If there is one on my car, please let me know where I can find it. If not, please see 318i won't start asked to Kimber Fox on 10/23/07.

Thanks for the help!

Alan King

Well Alan first off there isn't a crank sensor in a 1984 318i.So its down to basics.Spark and fuel.Check to see if you have spark at the plugs and check to see how much fuel pressure you have it should be that written on the regulator about 2.5-3 bar.It has a distributer so make sure the tangs aren't bent.