BMW Repair: 1994 E36 Convertible - Auto-top works.....but, check fuse, compartment lid

So for the longest time, my semi-auto top would not function correctly.  I bought the car that way.  Every time I pressed the top button it would just continually try to close the tenneau lid and cause a loud grinding sound.  So, I messed with the motors and I actually got my top to automatically close today!  I was so freakin' exstatic that shortly after closing the top, I tried to automatically open it.  It started going through it's whole sequence of opening, was working great all the way up until the last part, where it closes the tenneau lid.  When it was about to start pulling the lid down, it stopped.  No movement, no sound, no nothing.  I pressed the button a few more times to no avail.  I checked all fuses under the hood and they look good.  I know there's a fuse in the trunk too but I can't find it!  I bet it's that fuse, but if not, what happened?  Now, I press the button and get absolutely no reaction at all!


- Chris

Chris, I am far from experienced with E36 C-tops. The fuse in the bottom of the trunk is for the fully automatic locking C-top. The fully auto top has the automatic locks that lock to the top of the windshield. I doubt this is the issue. Most of the issues with the C-tops are with the microswitches. Whether they are out of adjustment or faulty. Sometimes the cables get stretched out over time for the C-top compartment lid locks. This sounds as if you have an issue with the compartment lid motor or an input sensor to the control module that is not allowing lid operation. Check fuse #49 near the battery. The relay in the Convertible top module may be at fault if this fuse is blown.