BMW Repair: 4 HP 22 EH transmission problem, govener, transmission shifts

I recently bought a '87 325 and know very little about BMW's. The problem I am having is with the auto-transmission shifts. With the trans in D from a dead stop the trans shifts smoothly, but very quickly through all 4 gears without giving the vehicle time to reach any speed at all (at 20mph I'm in 3rd gear), then at about 52mph the trans shifts into over-drive. If floored from a dead stop the trans holds each gear and shifts perfectly as each gear is tached-out. Kickdown seems to work properly. I have changed the trans filter and fluid to no avail. The fluid level checks correct when sitting level, warm and idling. Engine is low mileage and tip-top. Any help with how to fix this problem and estimated cost would be greatly appreciated.

If you have a trans kickdown cable then you have a h, not eh trans.Try adjusting the cable lenth at the throttle body.
If you do have an eh then you might have an electrical or senser problem.
Both trans use an internal govener which could be the problem.