GMC Repair: Help... oil pouring from filter, hello dawn, correct filter

1988 GMS 3 wheel drive truck.  Suddenly have a leak from the oil filter.  Replaced the filter twice and as soon as we start the truck the oil pours out of the filter.  We are certain we have the correct filter.  1.  What could cause this? We noticed that the filter shifs when we start the engine..?  Secondly.  A friend told us it could be the oil PUMP causing the problem but in order to replace the pump the engine needs to be removed - is this true?

Please help us solve this problem.....

hello dawn
first remove the oil filter look on the housing where the oil pump screws in to see if the old gasket is still on there if yes this is the problem remove and reistall the oil filter . the motor does not have to come out but motor mounts have to come out . and then you can jack the motor up to get the oil pan off. good luck and please let me know hou you make out pete