American Motors: 86 CJ7 battery drains while parked, negative battery cable, amp meter

Hello, so here's my problem.  I recently had the inline 6 engine rebuilt, and since then my volts have been a little higher than normal.  Then, if I let a few days go by without driving it, the battery would be drained, and nothing happened when I turned the key.  I then had a mechanic look at it and replaced the alternator and battery.  Now, when running, the volts are normal, however, the battery still drains when parked in my garage for more than 3 straight days.  Is this the voltage regulator screwing up?  Thanks so much for being here!!

You need to install an AMP METER between the negative battery terminal and the negative battery cable and see how many amps you are drawing. If over 1/2 amp, start pulling fuses and relays until you find the fuse or relay that is causing the problem and then reattach the negative battery cable and see what ALL does NOT work on the vehicle with the fuse or relay out of the circuit.