Audio Systems: HDMI Cable, bluray, cable box

Hi, I would like to purchase an HDMI cable to connect my 32" plasma (vizio) TV to my cable box but realized there are hundreds of different types with as many price ranges. Can you please educate me as to what I should be looking for in an HDMI cable? Thank you very much.

This is the best resource for FACTUAL information about HDMI cable. I have yet to see another dealer have this much information, let alone have VERIFIABLE information.

There is a ton of myth and mystery surrounding HDMI. Some of the major brands cloud the waters with a lot of technical sounding lingo and flashy products. Be very aware... big box store salesmen will try to nail you for $$$ on cabling when you really don't need to break the bank.

For the most part, if you buy a $10 HDMI cable and it works properly, spending $100 will not improve performance or picture/sound quality.

Personally, for my BluRay going to my 50" HD Sony, I am using a cable that cost me $4.15 and it works perfectly at all resolutions.